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Libord provides you with a veritable goldmine of information on over 5000 companies. Included here are Profit and Loss accounts, balance sheets for the last five years, quarterly results and news items. To dive in, just enter the first few letters of the company or either BSE Code or NSE Code in search box provided.

Company NameBSE CodeNSE CodeISIN
I G Petrochemicals 500199 IGPLEQ INE204A01010
I P Rings Ltd. 523638 -INE558A01019
i Power Solutions In 512405 -INE468F01010
IB Infotech 519463 -INE678B01021
IBL Finance -IBLFLST INE0O7401018
ICDS Ltd. 511194 ICDSLTDBE INE613B01010
ICE Make Refrigerati -ICEMAKEEQ INE520Y01019
ICICI Bank 532174 ICICIBANKEQ INE090A01021
ICICI Lombard Gen. 540716 ICICIGIEQ INE765G01017
ICICI Pru Life 540133 ICICIPRULIEQ INE726G01019
ICICI Securities 541179 ISECEQ INE763G01038
ICL Organic Dairy 542935 -INE0AU701018
ICRA Ltd. 532835 ICRAEQ INE725G01011
ICSA-India Ltd. 531524 -INE306B01029
ID Info Business 511260 -INE088P01015
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