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You can view the list of companies which have delisted from the exchange.

Company NameDateRemarks
Action Financial 26/08/2024De-listed pursuant to order of the Delisting Commi
Allied Computers Int 19/07/2024Compusory De-listing
Alps Motor Finance 26/08/2024De-listed pursuant to order of the Delisting Commi
Atlanta Devcon 10/04/2024Compulsory Delisting
Beardsell Ltd. 23/07/2024De-listed
Birla Tyres 08/08/2024De-listed pursuant to NCLT order dt: 19/10/2023.
Canopy Finance 15/03/2024No-dealings on a/c of SoA with Purple Finance Ltd.
Covidh Technologies 22/03/2024Sus. on a/c of Resolution plan / Capital reduction
Deep Energy Resource 25/09/2024No-dealings on a/c of SoA with Prabha Energy
Dhanleela Investment 27/08/2024De-listed pursuant to order of the Delisting Commi
Eastern Silk Indust. 07/03/2024No-dealings on a/c of RoC
Five X Tradecom 26/08/2024De-listed pursuant to order of the Delisting Commi
Future Retail L 02/08/2024Sus. pursuant to initiation of liquidation process
Gujarat Metallic 18/03/2024Sus. on a/c of Commen. of Liquidation process
IDFC L 10/10/2024No-dealings on a/c of SoA with IDFC First Bank
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