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Get a list of bulk deals reported to the BSE and NSE at the end of the day by the companies.

Company NameDeal DateBuy / SellClient NameQuantityPrice ()
Standard Glass Linin 14/01/2025SGRAVITON RESEA...1449642166.35
Standard Glass Linin 14/01/2025BGRAVITON RESEA...1449642166.28
California Softw 14/01/2025BNIRAJ RAJNIKAN...9960322.70
California Softw 14/01/2025BANEES ALNASIR ...15000022.87
Rajputana Biodiesel 14/01/2025SMINT FOCUSED G...37000304.14
Home First Finance 14/01/2025SNORGES BANK ON...7502471,023.28
Anya Polytech & Fert 14/01/2025SVINEY EQUITY M...60000017.78
Angel One 14/01/2025BGRAVITON RESEA...6208832,358.45
Angel One 14/01/2025SGRAVITON RESEA...6208832,358.95
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