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You can view the shareholding pattern for the latest three quarters for the company under two broad categories (Promoter & Non Promters).
ID Info Business Services Ltd.
Jul 03 BSE 16.64 (+ 0.79 4.98%)
Prev. Close 15.85
Open Price 16.64
Today's Low / High
16.64 16.64
B. Price (Qty.)0.00 (0)
O. Price (Qty.) 0.00 (0)
52 Wk Low / High 16.64
ID Info Business Services Ltd.is not traded in NSE
Shareholding Pattern as on 25/01/2025
Summary statement holding of specified securities
Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Shareholding as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) As a % of (A+B+C2) No. of Locked in shares - No.(a) No. of Locked in shares - As a % of total shares held(b) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
(A) Promoter & Promoter Group 9 1308660 1308660 6.66 6.66 402500 30.76 1275000
(B) Public 309 18348340 18348340 93.34 93.34 18004500 98.13 18306860
(C1) Shares underlying DRs 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0
(C2) Shares held by Employee Trust 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0
(C) Non Promoter-Non Public 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0
Grand Total 318 19657000 19657000 100.00 100.00 18407000 93.64 19581860

Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held No. of shares underlying Depository Receipts Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form